The request: brand identity and promo materials
The idea: we targeted consumers with complex needs, and created a new and suggestive logo, along with the slogan “Engineering Light”. This way, Solentis makes a statement about its professionalism and its status as a lighting expert. We also developed the website, a product catalogue and several stationary materials.
The request: a modern, new packaging for Grant’s, Kreskova and Alexander
The idea: The brands’ packaging didn’t quite rise to what was inside the bottles. So, we put our design heart to work and managed to refresh the brands with a complete makeover: a novel, lively visual identity that breathes out their story.
The request: the kind of TVC that makes you run to the fridge
The idea: a wordless and eye-candy love story between the Sandwich Toast Salami and the toast bread
The request: a campaign that will make redecorating attractive for young people
The idea: sometimes, people use to make their own lives harder, Spor people don’t
The request: To create an activation in bars all around Romania for St. Patrick’s Day
The idea: Irish whiskey is about friendship, so we had four guys that interacted in a very friendly way with the people and invited them to draw a ticket from a hat, in order to win a prize
The request: build a launch-event for Avon’s Cherish perfume in 10 of the biggest cities in Romania
The idea: we built a sphere full of floating petals that, at some point, were released in the air, in an „explosion” of colors and perfume
Rasplatim alegerea calitatii!
We reward the choice of quality!
The request: To promote a mechanism dedicated to retailers and distribution agents meant to increase vodka sales
The idea: We communicated, through several channels, the “We reward the choice of quality!” campaign that included prizes such as TV’s, iPhones and even 1 million euro.
The request: To create new packaging
The idea: we redesigned the label by giving it a much more modern look and by bringing it closer to its positioning
Te lasi cucerit? Ai de castigat!
Do you let yourself conquered? There’s something in it for you!
The request: To create a promo campaign, targeted on end user, that will boost sales
The idea: We challenged the consumers, through several communication channels, to let themselves conquered in order to enjoy a quality vodka and to be able to win one of our prizes (more vodka or, the grand prize, a touristic voucher)
The request: create a logo and label for Curtea Berarilor’s special beer
The idea: we created a visual identity which is easily linked to Curtea Berarilor and is specific for premium beers
The request: make the anual Unilever Foods Solutions agenda, that contains products, recipes, tips & tricks
The idea: we made an easy to use and read agenda with infographics and eye-candy images of recipes
The request: a sales-push campaign for fito-pharmacies
The idea: we announced that “The National Club for Fito-Pharmacists” is open for any professional seller that knows his products well, and that recommends Syngenta at the right time. We tested and rewarded them through our mystery shopper.
The request: Throughout the years we had to create several image and discount campaigns
The idea: For years we communicated under the same umbrella that we’ve created – Protect the things that you most care about
The request: to promote the usage of pension cards
The idea: we filmed a series of 3 TVC’s with Valentin Uritescu, a truly gifted and beloved actor, especially among older people, that explained in a clear and funny way the simplicity of using such a card
The request: to develop a new official website –
The idea: we created a modern, interactive and user-friendly website meant to be more attractive for visitors
The request: to create the brand identity for a custom tailoring company
The idea: we highlighted the essence of the brand – elegant, personalized costumes, through the name of the brand and the visual elements that compose its identity